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Crack Your Exams with These 10 Motivational Tips


In today's competitive world, motivation for exam preparation has become an essential being. If you visualise the following you can understand it better. For instance, there may be a situation where a student gives you a negative nod when asked about the level of preparation or how confident they are. Why does it happen? Observers say, whenever there is a tough competition, and while attempting such an exam the basic human tendency is to feel discomfort or disheartened. The answer is lack of motivation for exam preparation  that deters candidates from being committed to their set goals. If the problem is viewed in detail, a failure can be due to lack of proper exam preparation or the syllabus could be above your intellectual grasp. Educational psychologists and counsellors do say that you can succeed in your objectives provided you are able to maintain high motivational levels. Based on their assumption, here are a few thumb rules you should align with, so as to increase the motivation for exam preparation

Top 10 Motivational Tips to Stay Motivated During Exam Preparation 

Preset your Goals

Everybody should have a goal set in life and for that matter, you too must be aspiring to achieve something high in making your career grow big. Remember, dreaming something is not wrong but aspiring for unrealistic goals is disastrous as they hardly happen. So, be rational in setting a goal and work upon it. Let us consider a hypothetical scenario where you begin to dream for JEE Main, IIIT, NIT, or any other. Say, you are facing hindrances in preparations, then do follow these points categorically the motivation for exam preparation shall stir you up automatically. 

Huge Syllabus! Manage in Chunks

JEE Main is a nationwide examination conducted by the National Testing Agency, NTA. Every year, an IIT takes the responsibility to be a nodal center and for the year 2025, Kanpur is assigned with such responsibility. Many appear across the nation from different diverse educational boards, such as, state level higher secondary board, Central  Board of Secondary Education, and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. Students coming from different boards have specific advantages as their learning process gives them a cutting edge over other candidates. However, NCERT is the reference bible for the students appearing for the JEE Main. 

Apart from the NCERT syllabus you may have to deal with a deeper conceptual treatment of the concepts of the topics. To understand the concepts, and solve complicated problems as they appear to be, you will have to go through several references. This is where you will have to manage time to complete the syllabus. Experts give a solution that states you must break the syllabus in chunks and deal with it.  

Adhere to your Self-study Schedule

Do a detailed study of the previous question papers, keep a note of the high weightage topics ( subject-wise) before you start your preparation. Take an appointment with your educational counsellor, say your class teacher, discuss the time allotment subject-wise. Plan your self-study schedule and adhere to it. Do not alter your schedule until it becomes necessary. 

Preparation Motivation from Positive Influencers is always Beneficial

Besides preparation motivation from positive influencers can benefit you better. During hectic study schedules and tricky problems in subjects can sometimes create a state of non-wellbeing that leads to distress. It is here that you need to seek assistance from reliable friends, parents or influencers who can help you overcome distress levels. Always, when you should have the influence of people who can motivate you. A good influencer enables your Preparation motivation to take your confidence to a new high. 

Mark your Achievements, a Source of Inspiration

You may be able to solve problems, and analyse concepts of complex topics in subjects then acknowledge the success of your efforts. Success in such situations can be a great source of inspiration and is always a welcoming fact. 

Break-out from Regular Study Schedules

When you are deeply engrossed in studies, you might need to recluse from regular study now and then. Therefore, break-out from studying for a period of 10 minutes for every 60 minute study. It is the best tip on motivation for exam preparation

Be Concerned about your Physical and Mental Health

Remember you are a human being and if you work continually without a break, you are likely to get depressed or find your preparations sickening. So, be concerned about your physical and mental condition. Any slight negligence of health might affect your preparations. Hence you must take all possible steps to encounter such a health situation. Remember, along with regular preparation motivation does matter from time to time.     

Work Consistently, Perfection Is not  Prime Objective

You would counter problematic questions and its understanding can go a way beyond. Still keep moving on and at some point you will get to understand the solutions. Therefore, you must think about covering the syllabus otherwise you will get stuck and thereby hamper your learning process. 

Keep in Touch with Inspiration Notes

All time it may not be possible to get associated with psychologists, or educational counselors. You should absorb inspiration notes from motivational books written by effective influencers. They  belong to different walks of life, and relate to a few writers, Mindset by Carol Dweck, Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam, You can Win by Shiva Khera, and Drive by Daniel H. Pink. These books motivate and serve as a preparation motivation levels go to newer heights. 

Bigger than Life-size Image

Never let low, be it anytime, you must visualise yourself bigger than life size image, keep your esteem high and it will keep you feel cool and confident. 


You must remember a simple fact, we all are individuals with different capabilities yet compete for the same competitive examinations. To compete with others in competitive exams, by not losing your nerves, you will need to keep up the motivational levels. With a planned preparation motivation levels also gears up thus improvising your commitment to achieve success.  And, to keep yourself motivated, you must follow the above mentioned tips to seek motivation for exam preparation