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Tips to Manage Stress During IIT Preparation


When it comes to entrance exams, IIT-JEE is one of the toughest entrance exams students encounter right after their intermediate second year. Every year nearly 15 lakhs+ students attempt the JEE mains exam but only 2 lakh students are promoted further for JEE advance. And in JEE advance out of 2 lakh students, only 10 thousand students get a seat in the IITs.
Undergoing this whole process and tough competition pressure before the exam and during the preparation in the early teenage builds up stress on students.

students can smoothly handle and overcome the stress by following a few things as follows;

  • Prepare a timetable and follow it.
  • Wake up early and prep your day with breathing exercises like Bhramari (Bhramari exercise releases stress, and anxiety instantly by focusing on the nerves in the brain and eyes to relax with the vibrating sound produced by your throat codes during the exercise). One can do this yoga exercise anytime whenever you feel stressed, feeling sleepy, have a headache, etc.
  • Take your time to understand the topics.
  • Make your mind clear about things, and stay consistent with your studying.
  • Take a few study breaks, for example, spending time with your pets, and playing outdoor sports.
  • Do some workouts daily that will increase your dopamine levels in the body there by the decrease in stress-causing hormones.
  • Never neglect your health and maintain a proper diet.
  • Before going to bed read a bedtime story from Kasi majili kathalu, that will help you with releasing stress and tensions regarding the exams. 
  • At the end of every day, always appreciate yourself for the productive things you have done.
  • Avoid interacting with stressful and negative-minded people from your group.
  •  Stay motivated and believe in your hard work.

Remember that IIT-JEE isn't the toughest exam of your life, you can crack this exam easily when you put consistency in your preparation with the right guidance. Resonance long-term coaching, Hyderabad is the place where you get amazing mentors to guide you at every stage.

There is no reason to get stressed about IIT-JEE, you give 100% of your dedication, and that's all it takes.