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After several postponements, the National Testing Agency is set to conduct the NEET Exam scheduled on 12th September 2021. This announcement by the NTA has brought a mixed response among the aspirants who have taken NEET Best Coaching in Hyderabad. However, the time is over, and the only thing the aspirants could do is revise their preparation that happened to date. Yes, several students failed to make their last-minute preparation right due to the lack of awareness, improper time management, stress, etc. 

Are you one of those students who trained in NEET Coaching Institute in Hyderabad? Are you facing the same problem regarding your last-minute preparation for NEET 2021? If yes, this article is for you that gives you detailed information on the last-minute preparation strategies for the upcoming medical entrance exam. 

Tips to Use Your Time for the NEET 2021 Last-Minute Preparation 

Let us see the following tips and tricks you can use to enhance your preparation for NEET 2021. After reading this article, we bet you will get a fair idea about the preparation strategy for the students attending the exam and those searching for the List of NEET Coaching Centres in Hyderabad.

  • Plan a Proper Schedule for NEET Preparation

The only thing the aspirants should keep in mind is how to utilize the very little time they have now for preparation. In this very little time, it is suggestible to the students to revise the basic concepts, formulae, essential topics etc. The students can boost their confidence levels to attempt any question through this preparation. Besides, please remember to focus more on the topics you have already learned for your exam.

  • Don’t Stuff the New Topics into Your Mind 

Don’t try to prepare or mug up any new topics into your brain in the very little and precious time you have. However, concentrate on revising the old topics or focus on the graphs, formulae, diagrams, shortcuts, etc. Doing these things will help you remember all the topics and help you during and after the exam in scoring very good marks in the entrance exam.

  • Strictly Pay Attention to the Important Topics

We are aware of the little time we have now for the exam preparation. Therefore, make a slight change in your timetable and pay extra attention to the important topics. Filter all the important topics from each subject and spend some time learning and remembering those topics. This strategy helps the students to gain extra marks in the exam that brings a lot of change in their rankings.

  • Focus More on Solving Mock Tests and Old Question Papers

It sounds strange at the last minute, but focusing on the mock tests and solving previous papers will give you an idea about the exam pattern. Besides, it also helps you to manage time in answering different questions in the exam. Thus, allot some time to solve the previous papers and attend online mock tests, which may help you in the exam to score more marks. 

  • Keep an Eye on Exam Rules and Guidelines 

Along with the exam preparation, the students should also find out the latest updates regarding the exam. Learn how to fill the OMR Sheet in the final exam. Moreover, also know what is allowed and what is not allowed in the examination hall. If you have time, try to get in touch with your seniors for their suggestions. Keep yourself ready for the exam with the required hall ticket, stationery, id card, etc., to the exam. 

  • Move Yourself to a Calm and Peaceful Environment

Besides the last-minute preparation, the students should stay calm and peaceful. The students should focus on the NEET Guidelines 2021, Take Care of Health & Diet, Exercise and Meditation, etc. Practicing such things shall help you overcome the stress and keep you focused on exam preparation and revision. Moreover, you can watch your favorite movie, chat with a friend, or play a favorite sport to keep yourself away from stress and tension.


The Last Minute Preparation is very crucial, especially for the exams like NEET. Most of the students become nervous and tense during this time. We hope the following article has given you all the useful information to enhance and improve your last-minute preparation. We wish you all the best for the exam. However, keep Resonance in mind if you are still searching for the List of NEET Coaching Centres in Hyderabad. We always welcome you for an inquiry with us regarding the NEET Coaching Centre in Hyderabad. We would love to suggest Resonance Hyderabad for the only reason to fulfill your dream of becoming a doctor.