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JEE Main 2025 - All You Need to Know About Attempts


Every year, candidates applying for JEE curiously check for JEE Mains Attempts just to make sure that their laid plans are suitable for an engineering career. This year too this question has aired on social platforms. Incidentally, the first attempt of JEE main has just begun in the last week of January 2025 onwards.   

National Testing Agency, NTA, is an independent organisation that functions through its establishments, conducting the exams and evaluating the performance of the candidates. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a national level examination specifically designed for the candidates aspiring for engineering courses. This JEE Exam mainly focuses on the national level premiere institutions, like IIT, NIT, IIIT and is inclusive of reputed universities across the Nation. NTA takes the responsibility in conducting the JEE Main examination as per the predesigned schedules. 

Joint Entrance Examinations comprise two levels, the first level JEE Main and the second level JEE Advanced. A candidate getting qualified in JEE Main can seek an entry into NIT, IIIT, or any other national level reputed university. Remember, to seek an entry into the reputed institutions, you must rise above the cut-off marks laid according to the category such as general, BC, ST, and so on. Some aspirants may dream for IITs then they will have to progress further and get qualified in JEE Advanced as well. In a broader spectrum, JEE is meant for candidates who aspire to make an entry into reputable national level universities or IITs across the country. 

Across the nation, every year, lakhs  of candidates attempt for JEE Mains to build a solid foundation in the domain of engineering. To make the student community understand about JEE, the information details the total number of attempts for JEE, and eligibility criteria. Moreover, it does include benefits and strategies for multiple attempts, JEE Main schedule and the validity of the attempts in JEE Mains. 

JEE Exam Attempts Overview

The National Testing Agency, NTA, defines the JEE exam attempts. It monitors the flow of examinations and evaluation of the exam papers and the set of rules that govern. According to which, a candidate is entitled to write the JEE Main examination for only three consecutive years. It means every year, the candidate can write the exam two times conducted under session 1, and session 2. These sessions are conducted in the month of January and April every year. Ultimately, the maximum number of attempts to write the JEE Mains are six only. Every year, NTA organises session 2 for a particular reason, it is another chance given to the candidates to improve their JEE Main scores. The testing authority has removed the upper limit for taking the JEE Advanced examination. The advanced examination aligns with the inroad leading to the premiere institutions such as IITs. 

Eligibility Criteria : Attempt for JEE Mains  

NTA has set no age limit for a candidate and is allowed to attempt for JEE Mains while a candidate doing the 12th class or any other equivalent board. This year candidates belonging to 2022-23, 2023-24, or 2024-25 can appear for the JEE Mains. The candidates taking the JEE Mains must contain the following subjects in (10 plus 2) level, i.e.,  Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. 

Benefits of Multiple Attempts

Every year, JEE Main is conducted two times a year, in the months of January and April. This kind of engagement by NTA gives a chance to the candidate to reappear in April of the same year and get their performance better for the technical courses. The second attempt in the same year helps the candidate not to lose an academic year. At the same time, if the preparatory errors are marginal then one can score good marks in the next up exams in April. Another noticeable advantage for the candidate is if a person falls to attend in the first session for any reason, then they can appear in the second session without losing an academic year.   

Strategy for JEE Exam Attempts

A candidate can lay out a strategy for JEE exam attempts, in which one can strategize the revisions by covering all weak points and uncovered relevant topics in the subjects. Sometimes, your selection of high weightage topics in a subject  can differ and get to lose marks, therefore the candidate must react to the situation and make the preparations carefully by selecting the right topics. 

Validity of JEE Main Score 2025 

Although the NTA permits a candidate to take the JEE Main exam in both sessions the scorecard is valid only for one academic year, which means, a candidate appearing in the year 2025, can use the JEE scores for the academic 2025-26 only. 

JEE Mains Attempts, Attempt for JEE Mains, JEE Exam Attempts 

Summing Up

NTA conducts JEE Mains is a national level examination every year. And, candidates can take 6 JEE Mains Attempts only with no upper limit of age. The examination features two JEE Exam Attempts in a year thus providing a chance to the candidates to reappear with final corrections in their JEE preparations. A candidate is permitted to attempt for JEE Mains for 3 consecutive years, including the year in which the candidate is in 12th class. 

FAQs on JEE Exam Attempts

How many Attempts Are Permitted for a Candidate to appear for JEE Mains?

A candidate is allowed to appear in the JEE Mains examination six times. 

How many Attempts Can a Candidate Take for the JEE Mains Examination in a Year? 

Every year, a candidate is allowed to take JEE Mains two times, labelled as session 01 and session 02. The first session is conducted in the month of January and the second session is conducted in the month of April. 

Why does NTA Conduct JEE Mains twice a year?

NTA gives an opportunity for the candidates taking JEE Mains by conducting the mains exam twice a year. The first time, the exam is conducted in the month of January, and students are given a chance to reappear for the JEE Mains in the month of April. This short gap of time between two exams does help the students to correct their errors and mistakes before they reappear. This would avoid losing an academic year. 

What Are Different Streams of Engineering Courses Conducted by NTA? 

JEE Mains constitute three papers, Paper 01, Paper 2A, and Paper 2B as a part of the examination. Paper 01 is meant for students who are planning to pursue Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology. Paper 2A refers to Bachelor of Architecture, and Paper 2B is for Bachelor of Planning. These papers are scheduled during the session 01 & session 02.  

What are the total marks for JEE Mains?

NTA conducts JEE Mains examination and each paper refers to a stream of engineering courses. Paper 1 is for 300 marks, while paper 2A, and Paper 2B is for 400 marks.