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How to prepare and revise topics for JEE Mains in one month?


The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced new JEE Main 2022 session one exam dates. The revised exam dates are April 21, 24, 25, 29, and May 1 and 4, according to an official notification issued by NTA on March 14, 2022. Previously, the exam was scheduled to take place on April 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21.

With only a month until the exams, everyone has pulled their socks up. JEE Main aspirants are frequently perplexed by how to revise for the JEE Main exam in 30 days. 

  • To make things easier for test-takers, we've created a 30-day plan that will assist them in striking a balance between their school/college studies and JEE Main exam preparation. 
  • Students must understand that preparing for the JEE Main is not frightening because most of the questions in the JEE Main are from topics and subjects covered in class 12th. 
  • A good and systematic JEE Main Revision strategy will help students achieve good JEE Main Results. 

We will give you a thorough understanding of how to revise for JEE Main 2022 systematically. We have divided the important chapters for each subject and created a comprehensive revision plan to assist you in making your preparations more effective.

How can I revise for JEE Main in one month? 

Before we get into the specifics of JEE Main 2022 Revision, it's essential to understand the most recent and up-to-date syllabus for JEE Main, which has been released by NTA and divide the syllabus to determine the total number of units in each subject. Candidates can plan their JEE Main 2022 preparation timetable by knowing the total topics and their weight. The syllabus for JEE Main is divided into the following units:

Name of the Subject 

Total Number of Chapters









Because the JEE Main Chemistry syllabus is extensive, test-takers must devote sufficient time to Chemistry to aid in their preparation for JEE Main Chemistry. Students can prioritize the syllabus according to their preferences, but it is generally recommended to begin preparing the most difficult or time-consuming subjects first.

JEE Main Revision Strategy for Different Subjects – 30 Day Plan 

Since the JEE Main schedule has been released, aspirants must ensure that they have completed JEE Main Revision from the NCERT textbooks before considering other options. 


While preparing for a specific topic, write down all of the essential formulas and short tricks in a notebook. Writing down all of the crucial details will assist you in revising all of the vital topics. It would help if you also practised more questions as this will assist you in becoming familiar with the different types of complex questions asked in the exam. 

  • Because this is a critical time, students must avoid becoming entangled in lengthy and complex problems that they have never encountered before. 
  • Instead, at this time, concentrate on your strong points. 
  • Remember, every minute counts and should not be squandered. 
  • After you have completed JEE Main Revision using the NCERT, you can refer to other books by renowned authors such as HC Verma and Resnick Halliday, among others, that you have previously studied. 
  • Also, avoid using new books, especially as your exam is approaching.

JEE Main essential topics for Physics 

  • Wave Optics
  • Ray Optics
  • Unit and Dimension
  • Semiconductors and Communication system
  • Oscillations
  • Photoelectric Effect and Electromagnetic Waves
  • Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Gravitation


CBSE textbooks must be thoroughly revised because they include important topics and provide a detailed explanation of all issues. You can complete the exercises at the end of each chapter, and after finishing JEE Main Revision from CBSE books, you may refer to other books such as Morrison Boyd, etc.

JEE Main essential topics for Chemistry 

  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Atomic Structure
  • Coordination Compound
  • d and f Block Elements
  • Haloalkanes
  • Gaseous and Liquid State
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  • Electrochemistry
  • Nuclear and Surface Chemistry


Most test-takers spend less time on mathematics than physics and chemistry because physics and chemistry take a little longer to understand. Compared to Physics or Chemistry, remembering mathematics solutions and formulas is simple. However, note all essential formulas and short tricks in a notepad so that you can refer to them when revising the syllabus.

JEE Main essential topics for Mathematics

  • Vectors
  • Circle
  • 3-Dimensional Geometry
  • Sequence and Series
  • Probability
  • Limits
  • Continuity and Differentiability
  • Determinant and Matrices
  • Straight Line

Essential Tips for JEE Main 2022 Revision 

We've compiled a list of general tips for revising for the JEE Main exam

  • Because there is less time left, you should concentrate on selective study. 
  • Try to finish your JEE Mains syllabus as soon as possible. Then, begin solving the previous year's question papers. 
  • You can practise the questions by referring to Arihant Experts and many online resources. 
  • If a particular topic has a lower weightage and you cannot complete it on time, instead of wasting time on it, move on. 
  • The most critical aspects of success in JEE Main are revision and note-taking. Continue to revise everything you've learned so far. 
  • Maintain your health and avoid stress.

We hope that the above-mentioned JEE Main 2022 Revision tips will assist you in developing a better understanding of how to crack JEE Main in one month. A well-organized timetable, as well as a determined mind and soul, will help you pass the exam with flying colours.